Thursday, August 30, 2007

Time of Day operator, April 1937

A Time of Day operator and an exchange name: Ah! Telephony!

I clipped this "Flashback 1937" item from the Chicago Tribune some time ago. With Time of Day service vanishing, I thought I should share this bit of the past here. (Click for a larger view.)

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No Time of Day in LA
Telephone exchange names
MOre EXchange NAme NOstalgia
Mike Hammer's machine
"This is the operator speaking"
All "dowdy world" posts (via Pinboard)

No Time of Day in LA

Practical reality (the dirty scoundrel!) continues to chip away at the dowdy world, as the Los Angeles Times reports:

It's the end of time, at least as far as AT&T is concerned.

The brief note in customers' bills hardly does justice to the momentousness of the decision. "Service withdrawal," it blandly declares. "Effective September 2007, Time of Day information service will be discontinued."

What that means is that people throughout Southern California will no longer be able to call 853-1212 to hear a woman's recorded voice state that "at the tone, Pacific Daylight Time will be . . ." with the recording automatically updating at 10-second intervals.

"Times change," said John Britton, an AT&T spokesman. "In today's world, there are just too many other ways to get this information. You can look at your cellphone or your computer. You no longer have to pick up the telephone."
No, you don't. But I think King Lear put it best: "O reason not the need!"

Reading about the Time of Day service led me to a wonderful page with MP3s of Jane Barbe, "The Telephone Lady," whose voice I still hear when I use my long-distance card (just 3¢ a minute!).
Time of day calling it quits at AT&T (Los Angeles Times, via Boing Boing)
Jane Barbe (Wikipedia)
The Jane Barbe Collection (Telephone World)

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Wednesday, August 29, 2007


"How different our lives would be if we were newscasters."

All "Overheard" posts (via Pinboard)

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Junk sleep

From BBC News:

Too many teenagers are damaging their health by not getting enough sleep and by falling asleep with electrical gadgets on, researchers say. . . .

The Sleep Council, which conducted the poll of 1,000 teenagers, says gadgets in bedrooms such as computers and TVs are fuelling poor quality "junk sleep". . . .

Almost a quarter of the teens surveyed admitted they fell asleep watching TV, listening to music or with other equipment still running, more than once a week. . . .

Dr Chris Idzikowski of the Edinburgh Sleep Centre said: "This is an incredibly worrying trend. What we are seeing is the emergence of 'Junk Sleep' — that is sleep that is of neither the length nor quality that it should be in order to feed the brain with the rest it needs. Youngsters need to be taught a healthy lifestyle includes healthy sleep as well as healthy food. The message is simple: switch off the gadgets and get more sleep."
Get some sleep, kids. But not in class.
Junk sleep "damaging teen health" (BBC News)

Harvey Pekar on life and death

Harvey Pekar, on Anthony Bourdain's No Reservations last night:

"When you're dead, it robs life of many pleasures."
Bourdain's trip to Cleveland led to two online illustrated narratives:
Meet the Pekars, Part One, Part Two (Anthony Bourdain and Gary Daum)
The Shoot of No Reservations (Harvey Pekar and Gary Daum)

Related post
Harvey Pekar's The Quitter

Monday, August 27, 2007

John Ashbery and mtvU

The New York Times reports that mtvU, an MTV Networks subsidiary broadcasting on college campuses, has chosen John Ashbery as its first poet laureate:

Excerpts of his poems will appear in 18 short promotional spots — like commercials for verse — on the channel and its Web site (, which will also feature the full text of the poems). . . .

Mr. Ashbery, who was the poet laureate of New York State from 2001 to 2003, was immediately receptive. "It seemed like it would be a chance to broaden the audience for poetry," he said.

The poems used in the campaign span his career, and the spots are simple: on a white background, black text floats in to a sound like a crashing wave, appears on the screen for a minute, then floats away. From "Retro" (2005): "It's really quite a thrill/When the moon rises over the hill / and you've gotten over someone / salty and mercurial, the only person you've ever loved." From "Soonest Mended" (2000): "Barely tolerated, living on the margin / In our technological society, we are always having to be rescued" . . . .

Though his roots are in 1950s bohemia, Mr. Ashbery is perhaps not the most obvious choice for the iPod generation. He works on a typewriter and doesn’t listen to popular music, with the exception of a chance encounter with the Peaches & Herb song "Reunited" in a cab in the 1980s; it inspired his poem "The Songs We Know Best." ("Just like a shadow in an empty room / Like a breeze that’s pointed from beyond the tomb / Just like a project of which no one tells — / Or didja really think that I was somebody else?")

But Mr. Friedman is optimistic that verse will find its new audience, and mtvU plans to continue the program with other laureates after Mr. Ashbery's one-year tenure is up.
Read the rest:
An 80-Year-Old Poet for the MTV Generation (New York Times)
And look and listen:
Poet Laureate John Ashbery (mtvU)
[Note to mtvU: Didja have to center each line? What's wrong with a left margin?]

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Notebook sighting in Pickpocket

Jules Dassin's Rififi led me to Robert Bresson's Pickpocket (1959), with its dazzling silent stretches of intricate criminal choreography. Pickpocket is my second Bresson film. As in Diary of a Country Priest (1951), a notebook grants access to the protagonist's inner life. A pattern? I must see more Bresson.

[I know that those who have done these things usually keep quiet, and that those who talk haven't done them. And yet I have done them.]

Pickpocket (The Criterion Collection)

Related posts
Pocket notebook sightings in Rififi
Pocket notebook sighting (in Diary of a Country Priest)

Saturday, August 25, 2007

Proust: "collective, universal smiles"

Mme Verdurin is displeased:

[T]here was applied to her lips a smile that did not belong to her personally, a smile I had already seen on certain people when they said to Bergotte, with a knowing air, "I've bought your book, it's tremendous," one of those collective, universal smiles that, when they have need of them — just as we make use of the railway and of moving vans — individuals borrow, except for a few ultra-refined ones, such as Swann or M. de Charlus, on whose lips I have never seen that particular smile settle.

Marcel Proust, Sodom and Gomorrah, translated by John Sturrock (New York: Penguin, 2002), 391

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Friday, August 24, 2007

Remembrance of orthodontics past

I've been told many times that I have a nice smile, and I have to believe that the tellers are telling the truth as they see it. But I don't have nice teeth. Two upper teeth tilt backwards, badly maloccluded, barely visible, giving my open-mouthed smile a gappy (albeit symmetrically gappy) look. So when a shutter snaps, I tend to zip my lips. I sometimes think about getting these teeth capped, but they've been with me so long that I find it difficult to imagine alterations. Besides, I am told that I have a nice smile.

Hearing the word braces the other day reminded me that I had them as a kid, along with "headgear" and elastics and a retainer, though none of it did much good. (I still remember, sitting in the chair during my final visit, wondering about the return on the investment.) I got curious enough to Google my orthodontist and was surprised to see that as recently as 2003, he was still at it, as the New York State Board of Regents documents. And still, after all those years, working with the same integrity and skill:

These are the only references to Sheldon Estrin that I can find online, aside from a current listing in what appears to be a clearinghouse for cut-rate dental plans. I wish Dr. Estrin's current patients better luck than I had.

[January 2008: I had the two teeth capped, and now I'm smiling. Thanks, Dr. Blagg!]

Related post
Crooked teeth?

Thursday, August 23, 2007

Dowdy farms

Spotted on a bag of Vidalia onions:

Dowdy farms: red-checkered tablecloths, pies cooling for "supper," fedora-wearing men on tractors —

Yes, my dowdy farms are straight outta Calverton, as Elaine immediately recognized. Well, I write about what I know, or what I don't.
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