Saturday, January 25, 2025

Today’s Saturday Stumper

Today’s Newsday  Saturday Stumper is by Kate Chin Park, each of whose previous Stumpers has prompted me to write, “Please, more KCP Stumpers.” Today’s puzzle is a doozy, a lulu, a sockdolager if you will, full of variety and challenges. Please, more KCP Stumpers.

Some clue-and-answer pairs of note:

6-D, seven letters, “Rampart part.” Nicely phrased. I think I have the answer in my head from reading Steven Millhauser.

8-D, three letters, “Literature scholars’ org.” In what feels like a previous lifetime, I belonged.

9-D, four letters, “Stepmom to Mary, Elizabeth and Edward.” You’d expect a first name, wouldn’t you?

14-A, five letters, “Surname meaning ‘priest.’” This answer broke the puzzle open for me.

20-D, seven letters, “Freshen, as one’s study.” Pretty ambitious. I’d think that clearing some papers from the floor might be enough.

21-A, six letters, “How to respond to ‘I didn’t get it.’” ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

31-A, fifteen letters, “Communication challenge.” Funny how the clue immediately suggests, at least to me, a technology glitch.

33-D, nine letters, “It pairs well with patés.” Who needs paté?

38-A, thirteen letters, “Uninvolved associate.” I wondered whether this clue is accurate. It is.

48-A, three letters, “Zuo Zongtang’s much-seen alias.” Funny.

50-D, four letters, “London lip-lock.” A word that has always sounded filthy to my ears.

58-A, nine letters, “Yup.” I don’t know anyone who says “Yup,” but the answer has some currency in my world.

My favorite in this puzzle: 10-D, ten letters, “The majority of corkscrews and chopsticks.” RSTRNTWARE?!

Please, more KCP Stumpers.

No spoilers; the answers are in the comments.

comments: 1

Michael Leddy said...



SILENTPARTNER. (The silent partner doesn’t merely keep quiet; the silent partner isn’t involved in operations.)

TSO. (The general of menus.) SNOG. OKIEDOKIE. CONSONANTS.