Thursday, December 4, 2008

Citation styles (PDFs)

Really useful for students at the end of a semester: three guides to citation styles, PDFs courtesy of the University of California at Berkeley Library:

APA Style Guide
Chicago-Turabian Style Guide
MLA Style Guide

Missing though are explanations of what do with multiple works by one author.

APA: If the works are from the same year, use a letter: (2008a), (2008b).

Chicago: Use a 3-em dash for the author's name: ———.

MLA: Use three hyphens for the author's name: ---.

These are the best guides in PDF form I've found. If anyone can recommend better ones, please do.

comments: 2

Jason said...

Thanks for posting these, Michael. I'll be passing the MLA style guide onto my students. I thank you on their behalf!


Michael Leddy said...

You're welcome, Jason!

One thing that I see is missing is an explanation of what do with multiple works by one author, but that's easy enough to add:

APA: If the works are from the same year, use a letter: (2008a), (2008b.)

Chicago: Use a 3-em dash for the author's name: ———.

MLA: Use three hyphens for the author's name: ---.