Noticed on both sides of a printed sign in a supermarket:
WET FLOORSMaybe the S came loose from DEBRIS and ended up on the FLOOR?
“It is never too late to change the future”
Noticed on both sides of a printed sign in a supermarket:
WET FLOORSMaybe the S came loose from DEBRIS and ended up on the FLOOR?
By Michael Leddy at 10:05 PM comments: 0
Drinking four or more cups of tea every day could be more beneficial than drinking water, scientists have said.That's my kind of science.
By Michael Leddy at 9:10 AM comments: 0
Nachos, anyone?
Link » Pluto gets the boot, from
By Michael Leddy at 9:04 AM comments: 0
The telephone was not so commonly used then as it is today. And yet habit is so quick to demystify the sacred forces with which we are in contact, that, because I was not connected immediately, my only reaction was to see it as all very time-consuming and inconvenient, and to be on the point of lodging a complaint: like everybody nowadays, I found it too slow for my liking, with its abrupt transformations, this admirable magic that needs only a few seconds to bring before us, unseen but present, the person to whom we wish to speak, and who, seated at his table, in the town he inhabits (in my grandmother's case, Paris), under another sky than our own, in weather that is not necessarily the same, amid circumstances and preoccupations that are unknown to us and which he is about to reveal, finds himself suddenly transported hundreds of miles (he and all the surroundings in which he remains immersed) to within reach of our hearing, at a particular moment dictated by our whim. And we are like the character in the fairy tale at whose wish an enchantress conjures up, in a supernatural light, his grandmother or his betrothed as they turn the pages of a book, shed tears, gather flowers, very close to the spectator and yet very far away, in the place where they really are. For this miracle to happen, all we need to do is approach our lips to the magic panel and address our call — often with too much delay, I agree — to the Vigilant Virgins whose voices we hear every day but whose faces we never get to know, and who are the guardian angels of the dizzy darkness whose portals they jealously guard; the All-Powerful Ones who conjure absent beings to our presence without our being permitted to see them; the Danaids of the unseen, who constantly empty and refill and transmit to one another the urns of sound; the ironic Furies, who, just as we are murmuring private words to a loved one in the hope we are not overheard, call out with brutal invasiveness, "This is the operator speaking"; the forever fractious servants of the Mysteries, the shadowy priestesses of the Invisible, so quick to take offense, the Young Ladies of the Telephone!Marcel Proust, The Guermantes Way, translated by Mark Treharne (New York: Penguin, 2002), 127
By Michael Leddy at 9:30 PM comments: 0
In my mailbox not long ago appeared a brochure from The Free Press, publisher of Stephen Mitchell's 2006 translation of Gilgamesh. Along with the usual rave reviews (Harold Bloom's is quoted twice), there is, more interestingly, a gathering of well-known English versions of the poem's first lines—from N.K. Sandars (1960), Herbert Mason (1970), and David Ferry (1992). "Compare the same passage as translated in other versions," the brochure says, "to Mitchell's clearly rendered and striking lyricism."
I like the publisher's willingness to put this new translation up against the competition. I like clearly rendered and striking lyricism too. And I prefer Mitchell's version of these lines to Mason's and Ferry's. But I still prefer N.K. Sandars' prose rendering, which is itself not a fresh translation but a "straightforward narrative," as she calls it, synthesized from various source materials. Here's Sandars:
I will proclaim to the world the deeds of Gilgamesh. This was the man to whom all things were known; this was the king who knew the countries of the world. He was wise, he saw mysteries and knew secret things, he brought us a tale of the days before the flood. He went on a long journey, was weary, worn-out with labour, returning he rested, he engraved on a stone the whole story.And Mitchell (the ends of lines one, two, four, and five are indented so as to accommodate various font sizes):
He had seen everything, he had experienced allMy thoughts about these lines don't have to do with fidelity to fragmentary cuneiform texts. I'm thinking instead about the ways in which each version gives a reader (most likely a high-school or college student) ways to engage the narrative. Here Sandars' version has at least three advantages. It foregrounds the role of the poet as memorializer and cultural spokesman; it shows Gilgamesh as the bringer of knowledge to his people ("he brought us a tale"); and it makes good use of biblical repetition, drawing the reader into the context of an ancient story.
from exaltation to despair, he had been granted a
into the great mystery, the secret places,
the primeval days before the Flood. He had
to the ends of the earth and made his way back,
but whole.
By Michael Leddy at 5:30 PM comments: 0
One of my projects this summer was to listen to and write about Stanley Lombardo's recordings of his Iliad and Odyssey translations. I ended up writing an essay that touches on various questions of voice and translation and performance. It's now online, with links to samples of the recordings.
Link » Wonderland of voices, from Jacket
(Jacket, edited from Australia by the poet John Tranter, is the best resource for contemporary poetry I know of.)
By Michael Leddy at 5:26 PM comments: 0
I've been told that children who are learning to read will sometimes introduce mistakes when reading aloud to make mind-numbing classroom texts more interesting.
Perhaps that helps explain what happened when my wife Elaine and I were shopping today. I saw DRESSPANTS and read DEPRESSANTS. She saw FREE WIFI and read FREE WIFE. I'd say our signage was more interesting.
By Michael Leddy at 8:42 PM comments: 0
People in academic life, teachers and students alike, get a curious bonus — while everyone else trudges from January to December, we have a chance to begin anew with each semester, term, or quarter. In a wonderful passage from his autobiography The Seven Storey Mountain (1948), Thomas Merton evokes the feeling of possibility on a college campus when everything is about to begin again:
October is a fine and dangerous season in America. . . . It is a wonderful time to begin anything at all. You go to college, and every course in the catalogue looks wonderful. The names of the subjects all seem to lay open the way to a new world. Your arms are full of new, clean notebooks, waiting to be filled. You pass through the doors of the library, and the smell of thousands of well-kept books makes your head swim with a clean and subtle pleasure. You have a new hat, a new sweater perhaps, or a whole new suit. Even the nickels and quarters in your pocket feel new, and the buildings shine in the glorious sun.Here’s a suggestion for the beginning of an academic year: Make and keep a resolution or two to address what’s really urgent in your academic life.
By Michael Leddy at 11:08 AM comments: 3
In India, that is:
It may come as a surprise to many that McDonald's, the company known worldwide for its meat burgers and milkshakes, celebrated "Meatout", an annual affair by advocates of vegetarianism, at select outlets here [Bangalore] and [in] Thane by offering a "Vegan Meal" for two days this week. . . .McDonald's India also offers McCurry [sic].
McDonald's Vegan Meal promotion in the country consisted of a regular iced tea and medium fries which could be used to complete a meal of one of the many McDonald's India vegan dishes including "McVeggie McAloo Tikki" and "Cripsy Chinese."
By Michael Leddy at 9:05 PM comments: 0
Heard on NPR, a mnemonic for the names of the planets:
My very educated mother just served us nine pizzas.I somehow made it way past twelfth grade without hearing this charming sentence.
My very educated mother Ceres just served us nine plump chicken tacos.Link » Mnemonic (Wikipedia article with an amazing array of mnemonic devices, including some for remembering the early digits of pi)
By Michael Leddy at 8:04 PM comments: 0