From Public Radio International's otherwise excellent The World:
With so many pressing issues on his plate, Mr. Obama is engaged in an astonishing juggling act.Related reading
All metaphor posts (via Pinboard)
“You just open it up and you go”
From Public Radio International's otherwise excellent The World:
With so many pressing issues on his plate, Mr. Obama is engaged in an astonishing juggling act.Related reading
By Michael Leddy at 5:26 PM
comments: 6
Maybe their metaphoric plates were spinning on the tops of poles in a KIND of juggling act...?
I shouldn't talk, of course, after my "quagmire" fiasco...
Maybe he is on a giant plate representing America, juggling issues on smaller plates which also have smaller Obama's also juggling issues which are on plates, ad infinitum.
AS I wrote in a friends site little ago.
Here there are to interesting scientific theories about metaphors:
1."Our ordinary conceptual system, in terms of which we both think and act, is fundamentally metaphorical in nature."
2."metaphor IS a fundamental mechanism that allows us to apply Stone Age ways of thinking to abstract subject matters"
Language is so wierd (and also complex).
T. and Logan, I looked for a clip of the plate-spinning acts that used to appear on The Ed Sullivan Show, but no luck. Those guys had nothing on their plates. I like the plates upon plates upon plates idea, as in "Turtles all the way down."Mariana, I would agree that metaphor is indeed fundamental to sense-making and world-making.
Though I've tried four times, I cannot get Blogger to put a blank line between down and Mariana's name. So please imagine a new paragraph there.
This raises mixing metaphors almost to an art form. I'd say it's (at least) the equivalent of a limerick.
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