Tuesday, December 6, 2005

My other blog is a Moleskine

My longer posts to Orange Crate Art tend to begin in a Moleskine pocket notebook. Yes, my other blog is a Moleskine. (And no, I didn't need to draft this post in a notebook first.)

Above, a partial draft of a post about the permanence and impermanence of things.


  1. My Moleskine is a bit more scattershot than yours (lots of short, random ideas), but the vast majority of my blog posts find their origin on its pages. In essence, isn't a Moleskine just an ultra-portable blog?

  2. Hi trent,

    Yes, I'd say so. The public element ("web") is missing, but the "log" part is there.


Play fair. Keep it clean. No potshots and no derailing. Thanks.

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